Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LED area site lighting

I wanted to post a brief article on LED area site lighting to give an idea of where the concept is at and where it seems to be going. Currently, parking areas and outdoor site lighting is performed mostly with HID lighting. Both Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lamps are used. With trying to get average and minimum foot candles for projects, you get a variation in foot candles that can cause areas of too much light, areas with shadowing and even light spillage/trespass. Lighting designer engineers and manufacturer's have done a good job with HID lighting but have pretty much hit the point where there is not more room for improvement due to the fixture and reflectors can't get much more efficient with the light distribution.

This is where the power of LED's comes into play. Sure it's more energy efficient, but it's in the ability to control the angle and direction of each LED in the array of an LED fixture that gives the major benefit. Why so? By controlling the angle, the variation of foot candles can be much lower overall than traditional methods and you can then base the lighting levels based on minimums instead the average. With LED site lighting you will get less shadowing, trespass, conserve light, and probably use less fixtures. The color rendering is better as well which is great for security.

The major players that seem to be emerging are Beta, GE, and Kim. Be on the lookout over the next 3 to 4 years in the industrial electrical products market to see more breakthroughs in LED site lighting!


  1. A new retrofit breakthrough offers an alternative to the more expensive new LED systems offered by Beta. ROI payback period is about 2-3 years compared to 6-8 years for full replacement systems.

    We represent Best LED Lighting which holds a new patent on the first retrofit technology for outdoor lighting (street lights, walkways, parking lots, garages etc. as well as high wattage interior lighting.)

    The LED retrofit lets you retain your existing fixtures and poles to minimize the investment necessary to make the conversion.

    LED technology can provide an 80-90% savings on electric costs and a similar savings on the maintenance side. As a general rule of thumb you can figure on saving about $20,000 per year for every 100 lights that you retrofit.

    LED Lighting enhances safety because LED lights do not go out. Incandescent lights last for a maximum of 2 years and go out when they fail. LED Lights have an 11.5 year average lifespan with 24/7 operation and when they "fail" they simply grow dimmer. This is a safety feature that cannot be understated.

    If you'd like to learn more about this you can visit our blog.

    Wayne King

  2. Thanks Wayne! Being able to use existing poles and fixtures would save a ton of labor and money on a retrofit. I'll check it out! industrial electrical

  3. There is also a product by EnerLume Energy Management, that recently entered into a private label agreement with Eaton Corp. - EnerLume | EM®, a proprietary product which is most adaptable to facilities that are heavily dependent on fluorescent lighting, such as retail chains and businesses in the industrial, commercial, educational and parking garages sectors. The product uses a patent pending algorithm to eliminate a small portion of the sine wave where the lighting system draws current but does not efficiently produce light. The product provides a proven energy savings of 15% with virtually no perceptible loss of light. For more information on the Company please visit

  4. you can chk here

  5. thanks ya!!!

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