Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ideal Thermal Camera for industrial and maintanence use

Ideal recently released a new Thermal Imager, digital camera that looks like it will do very well in the electrical supplies market.

In the past, Thermal imagers have cost between $6,000 and $20,000. The Ideal unit, #61-844 lists for $3,500. Thermal digital cameras have been used in the industrial and maintenance segment for years. See below for some common uses.
  • Troubleshoot hot spots for switchgear, panelboards and breakers. Heat images overlapped on a digital image can show weak connections and hot spot on "legs" of equipment. This gives a great head start on doing PM (preventive maintenance).
  • You can also use these for checking motors, motor bearings, gearboxes and other PT (power transmission) equipment. It helps to get a baseline picture of mechanical equipment while it is working fine to be able to go back and compare later.
  • Process ovens, boilers, cooling boxes can sometimes have leaks or process heating/cooling that causes them to be inefficient. Thermal imagers can be used to check the process and equipment.
  • Outside of the industrial electrical market, Thermal imaging cameras can be used to help find leaky windows and heat/air loss for buildings or homes.

The Ideal thermal camera is priced more affordably than other's so it should do well with maintenance departments and in-house electrical personnel. A few drawbacks to the camera are, it only has manual focus and it's optimum resolution is only good to about 20'. Other than that, it's packs a lot of functionality for a small price.

For more information on the Ideal Thermal Imager call your local distributor or visit


  1. thanks for the info will look into it.

  2. Great post! Thanks a lot!

  3. Very interesting and unique, Thanks for sharing all these stuffs.

  4. great this contain some that i have looking for,.. I wish you post some of electrical product review here...

    thanks for share...

  5. Good info, I wait for your next guides.. keep working.


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